This statement is pursuant to section 119.071(5)(a) 2 and 3, Florida Statutes.
Social Security Numbers are unique, numeric identifiers that are used by this office to identify, verify, track and search information in conjunction with determining entitlement to exemption.
Additionally, the County Property Appraiser’s Office is required to collect on each new application for exemption the Social Security Number of the applicant and that of his or her spouse, if any.
Pursuant to section 193.074, Florida Statute, exemption applications and all returns of property are confidential.
The purpose of the verification entry of the CAPTCHA is to ensure the security of your information. CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart" and is used to prevent automated software from completing a form or accessing a system.
By submitting this application you are attesting that the information contained therein is true and correct and you intend to apply for Homestead Exemption on this property. You understand by proceeding with this application that your information can and will be verified electronically with other state and federal agencies.